Doris Schafer
Credentials: Don't ask and there won't be any problems...
Position title: Caregiver: Adam
Doris is an agent of chaos, constantly pushing boundaries between adorable acts of affection and purely evil acts of mayhem. The constant calamity brought about by Doris gives her the descriptor: adorisable. A child prodigy, Doris was quickly accepted into a super-secret spy academy at a very young age. Wearing the same tuxedo outfit every day, Doris can often be found honing her super-secret spy skills by engaging in cardio (sprinting around the house), mastering hand-to-hand combat (attacking any moving object in the house from Frittata to the vacuum), and honing her communication skills (Doris can effectively state when it is time for food and time to play). While she has her wild side, Doris is extremely clingy and affectionate with her brother, Higgins. These two can often be found together in a snuggle pile or causing some sort of catastrophe.