

CE Schwarz, KS DeGlopper, NC Greco, RS Russ, RL Stowe. Modeling student negotiation of assessment-related epistemological messages in a college science courseScience Education, in press. 

KS DeGlopper, RL Stowe. Modeling Students’ Epistemic Cognition in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses: A Review. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 25, 594-612.

MM Cooper, MD Caballero, JH Carmel, EM Duffy, D Ebert-May, CL Fata-Hartley, DG Herrington, JT Laverty, PC Nelson, LA Posey, JR Stoltzfus, RL Stowe, RD Sweeder, S Tessmer, SM Underwood. Beyond active learning: Using 3-Dimensional learning to create scientifically authentic, student-centered classrooms. PLOS one, 19(5): e0295887.

CE Schwarz, KS DeGlopper, BJ Esselman, RL Stowe. Tweaking Instructional Practices Was Not the Answer: How Increasing the Interactivity of a Model-Centered Organic Chemistry Course Affected Student Outcomes. Journal of Chemical Education, 101 (6), 2215-2230.


BJ Esselman, NJ Hill, KS DeGlopper, AJ Ellison, RL Stowe, CE Schwarz, NJ Ellias. Authenticity-Driven Design of a High-Enrollment Laboratory Course. Journal of Chemical Education, 100 (12), 4674-4685. ACS Editors’ Choice

SM Underwood, AT Kararo, LA Posey, AM Pollock, DG Herrington, RL Stowe, JH Carmel, MW Klymkowsky, MM Cooper. Components Critical to Successful Adoption and Adaptation of CLUE, a Transformed General Chemistry Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education, 100 (9), 3374-3385.

KS DeGlopper, RS Russ, PK Sutar, RL Stowe. Beliefs versus resources: a tale of two models of epistemology. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24, 768-784.

RL Stowe, BJ Esselman. The Picture is Not the Point: Toward Using Representations as Models for Making Sense of Phenomena. Journal of Chemical Education, 100 (1), 15-21.

AGL Schafer, TM Kuborn, CE Schwarz, MY Deshaye, RL Stowe. Messages about valued knowledge products and processes embedded within a suite of transformed high school chemistry curricular materials. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24, 71-88.


CE Schwarz, KS DeGlopper, AJ Ellison, BJ Esselman, RL Stowe. The Central Importance of Assessing “Doing Science” to Research and Instruction. In N. Graulich & G. Shultz (Eds.), Student Reasoning in Organic Chemistry: Research Advances and Evidence-Based Instructional Practices (pp. 320-337). Royal Society of Chemistry.

VR Ralph, LJ Scharlott, AGL Schafer, MY Deshaye, NM Becker, RL Stowe. Advancing Equity in STEM: The Impact Assessment Design Has on Who Succeeds in Undergraduate Introductory Chemistry. JACS Au, 2 (8), 1869-1880.

KS DeGlopper, CE Schwarz, NJ Ellias, RL Stowe. Impact of Assessment Emphasis on Organic Chemistry Students’ Explanations for an Alkene Addition Reaction. Journal of Chemical Education, 99 (3), 1368-1382.

VR Ralph, LJ Scharlott, CE Schwarz, NM Becker, RL Stowe. Beyond instructional practices: Characterizing learning environments that support students in explaining chemical phenomena. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59 (5),  841-875.


RL Stowe, LJ Scharlott, VR Ralph, NM Becker, MM Cooper. You Are What You Assess: The Case for Emphasizing Chemistry on Chemistry Assessments. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(8), 2490-2495.

D Lombardi, TF Shipley, Astronomy Team (JM Bailey, PS Bretones, EE Prather), Biology Team (CJ Ballen, JK Knight, MK Smith), Chemistry Team (RL Stowe, MM Cooper), Engineering Team (M Prince), Geography Team (K Atit, DH Uttal), Geosciences Team (ND LaDue, MM McNeal, K Ryker, K St. John, KJ van der Hoeven Kraft), Physics Team (JL Docktor). The Curious Construct of Active Learning. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 22(1), 8-43.


RL Stowe, BJ Esselman, VR Ralph, AJ Ellison, JD Martell, KS DeGlopper, CE Schwarz. Impact of Maintaining Assessment Emphasis on 3-Dimensional Learning as Organic Chemistry Moved Online. Journal of Chemical Education, 97 (9), 2408-2420.


Publications Prior to University of Wisconsin – Madison

K Bain, L Bender, P Bergeron, MD Cabellero, JH Carmel, EM Duffy, D Ebert-May, CL Fata-Hartley, DG Herrington, JT Laverty, RL Matz, PC Nelson, LA Posey, JR Stoltzfus, RL Stowe, RD Sweeder, SH Tessmer, SM Underwood, M Urban-Lurain. Characterizing College Science Instruction: The Three-Dimensional Learning Observation Protocol. PLOS One, 2020, 15, e0234640.

RL Stowe, MM Cooper. Arguing from Spectroscopic Evidence. Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 96 (10), 2072-2085. ACS Editors’ Choice

MM Cooper, RL Stowe, OM Crandell, MW Klymkowsky. Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything (OCLUE): A Transformed Organic Chemistry Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 96 (9), 1858-1872. ACS Editors’ Choice

RL Stowe, DG Herrington, RL McKay, MM Cooper. Adapting a Core-Idea Centered Undergraduate General Chemistry Curriculum for Use in High School. Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 96 (7), 1318-1326.

RL Stowe, DG Herrington, RL McKay, MM Cooper. The Impact of Core-Idea Centered Instruction on High School Students’ Understanding of Structure–Property Relationships. Journal of Chemical Education. 2019, 96 (7), 1327-1340.

RL Stowe, MM Cooper. Assessment in Chemistry Education. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 2019, 59, 1-11.

MM Cooper, RL Stowe. Chemistry education research—From personal empiricism to evidence, theory, and informed practice. Chemical Reviews. 2018, 118 (12), 6053-6087. ACS Editors’ Choice

RL Matz, CL Fata-Hartley, LA Posey, JT Laverty, SM Underwood, JH Carmel, DG Herrington, RL Stowe, MD Caballero, D Ebert-May, MM Cooper. Evaluating the extent of a large-scale transformation in gateway science courses. Science Advances. 2018, 4 (10), eaau0554.

RL Stowe, MM Cooper. Practicing what we preach: assessing “critical thinking” in organic chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education201794 (12), 1852-1859.

R Stowe, J Elvey. Computer-Aided Drug Design. The Science Teacher. 2016, 83 (5), 40.

Y Wang, RL Stowe, CE Pinello, G Tian, F Madoux, D Li, LY Zhao, JL Li, Y Wang, H Ma, P Hodder, WR Roush, D Liao. Identification of histone deacetylase inhibitors with benzoylhydrazide scaffold that selectively inhibit class I histone deacetylases. Chemistry & biology. 2015, 22 (2), 273-284

RL Stowe, SM Bischof, MM Konnick, CH Hövelmann, D Leach-Scampavia, RA Periana, BG Hashiguchi. Making Water the Exciting Way: A Classroom Demonstration of Catalysis. Journal of Chemical Education. 2014, 91 (4), 550-553