Joe Cool
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher focusing on Cheese Studies, Ph. D. in Aerial Fetching
Position title: Caregiver: Ryan
One of the world’s most adorable creatures, enjoys sleeping, fetch, walks of two miles or less, and eating anything you are eating. He takes full advantage of his cuteness to beg for food at every opportunity, but we love him anyway.

Cosmo and Wanda
Credentials: Office Interns
Position title: Caregiver: Anyone in the office
Cosmo (left) and Wanda (right) are the newest members of the Stowe Group office. They are both Mimosa Pudicas which means everyone is happy to have a daily dose of the mimosas in the office. They were hired on May 20th, 2024 and we are excited to watch them grow (hopefully). Check back periodically to see their progress!

Toko Bean
Credentials: B.S. in Spring Chasing
Position title: Caregiver: Nicole
This sweet little angel is named from the anime character, “Tokoyami” which translates to “eternal darkness,” but her nickname comes from her adorable little black toe beans. Toko is quite possibly the SOFTEST animal you’ll ever touch and we are convinced she can do no wrong. As the only girl of the litter, she is much smaller than her brothers but that doesn’t stop her from holding her own in a wrestling match. She loves spending her mornings with you sleeping in and her afternoons in any patch of sun she can find.

Zuko Baby
Credentials: Ph. D. in Primordial Pouches
Position title: Caregiver: Nicole
This little prince has “first-born energy” and minimal brain cells. He is a one-tooth wonder after breaking his right canine four months after it grew in which makes his yawns EXTRA adorable. Our little lion hasn’t quite figured out what a “meow” sounds like, but his squeaks and chirps are just as delightful, especially when he’s rolling around on his back. You can find him in any box, bucket, bin, or sink he can at least mostly squeeze himself in or on a nice, warm lap.

Gojo Berry
Credentials: Master of Screaming
Position title: Caregiver: Nicole
This menace is too smart for his own good. He has a button he presses when he wants his feather toy to play and if we don’t respond, he will flip over the button tile and scream. If we hide the button, he screams. He is so active and loves running through his tunnel and up his climbing pole to the shelves or even just walks on his cat wheel. He is extremely affectionate and loves meeting new people and making them love him. No paper towel/toilet paper roll is safe around him.

Petal Burkshaw
Credentials: Street Cred
Position title: Caregiver: Brie
Petal is a cat who knows what she wants, and isn’t afraid to let others know too. Mostly, all she wants to do is cuddle up on the couch, be carried around the house like a baby, or knock her father’s items off of counters. Petal does not know how to meow (she chirps like a bird) but she does know several tricks, including how to give high fives. Her favorite season is Christmastime because the tree doubles as the perfect hiding spot and infinite source of balls to play with. Overall, her chief concerns are getting fed as soon as dad gets home and being in every lap available.

Jamie Boy
Credentials: Intelligence Agent (Lettuce Allocations Department) for the International Treat Agency
Position title: Caregiver: Phia
A true pessimist at heart, Jamie spends most of his time and energy tracking the location and abundance of household lettuce. We don’t want to know what would happen if it ever ran too low, and thanks to Jamie, we’ll never find out. Prone to bouts of grumpiness and destruction, Jamie never leaves you wondering about his thoughts and feelings. He expresses himself with grace and force and makes sure his surroundings reflect the inner state of his being. Additionally, he prides himself on his punctuality and expects those of lower social status (aka his caretaker) to value timeliness as well. If he feels as though the important events of the day (his morning and nightly veggies) have diverged from his regular schedule, he will promptly sound the alarm (begin squeaking) to put things back on track. Despite his often stoic demeanor and mercurial attitude, Jamie is a sweet boy with a heart of gold. In his softer moments, Jamie enjoys a good game of hide and seek and often finds himself pondering the meaning of life. The world is lucky to have him as a contributor to the most important agency in the world.

Oreo the Fluffy Beast
Credentials: Chief Security Officer
Position title: Caregiver: Cara
A 14-year-old schnoodle adopted from Baraboo, WI. His favorite activities include naps in the sun or in front of the fireplace, protecting his home from threats such as delivery drivers, and sprinting from rug to rug (wood floors are slippery) in excitement any time one of his humans comes home (even if they were just on the front porch). Oreo currently lives in NC, where he enjoys the lack of snow and opportunity for outdoor activities all year round.

Nala Bear
Credentials: B.A. in Sleep Studies
Position title: Caregiver: Kimberly
Nala is a dog only in the technical sense. She does not care for the outdoors, has very little interest in other dogs, and hides when you say “walk.” Her hobbies include sleeping behind the bed, following her mom around, sleeping on the back of the couch, going for car rides, and sleeping in until noon. Most of her personality is contained within her especially fluffy ears.

Abbott Rabbit
Credentials: Community Organizer, B.A. in Communication
Position title: Caregiver: Kimberly
Abbot is a COVID dog, and you can tell. He MUST be where the people are even if that takes him off dry land. He is energetic and playful but also loves to cuddle. His greatest fears are plastic bags, balloons, and of course, missing out.

Molly with a "Y"
Credentials: B.S. in Environmental Studies
Position title: Caregiver: Kimberly
Molly is a Golden Retriever puppy who loves life. She is happiest when she is outdoors playing fetch and chasing butterflies. She can frequently be found fast asleep with 1-2 toys in her mouth. She was recently caught stealing and consuming a dozen raw cinnamon rolls.

Higgins Lebovitz
Credentials: Chief Support Provider. Flop-master Supreme
Position title: Caregiver: Adam
Some folks just want to see the world purr. Higgins is the most loving and snuggly cat in existence. He nearly never stops purring and is always on the prowl for new friends and snuggle-buds. Amid a chaotic house, Higgins is the constant wave of affection that holds the crew together. He schedules many meetings with Millie to gather entrepreneurial advice – through he arguably just wants to convince Millie to adopt a better work-life balance. Higgins also hangs out with the hermit Frittata, convincing him to catch the occasional meal with the others and inviting him to playtime activities. However, Higgin’s closest buddy is his sister, Doris. These two have known each other since before they moved in together. Although Doris’s chaotic tendencies often get the two of them in heated situations, Higgin’s calm and loving nature aways results in making new friends. Higgins spends most of his day snuggling and booping whoever is within arm’s reach, ensuring that as many folks as possible are purring.

Doris Schafer
Credentials: Don't ask and there won't be any problems...
Position title: Caregiver: Adam
Doris is an agent of chaos, constantly pushing boundaries between adorable acts of affection and purely evil acts of mayhem. The constant calamity brought about by Doris gives her the descriptor: adorisable. A child prodigy, Doris was quickly accepted into a super-secret spy academy at a very young age. Wearing the same tuxedo outfit every day, Doris can often be found honing her super-secret spy skills by engaging in cardio (sprinting around the house), mastering hand-to-hand combat (attacking any moving object in the house from Frittata to the vacuum), and honing her communication skills (Doris can effectively state when it is time for food and time to play). While she has her wild side, Doris is extremely clingy and affectionate with her brother, Higgins. These two can often be found together in a snuggle pile or causing some sort of catastrophe.

Frittata Lebovitz
Credentials: B.F.A. Opera Performance, Minor: horology
Position title: Caregiver: Adam
Frittata was born on a farm until eventually leaving for the big city to become a Broadway star. Unfortunately, he was only qualified to work as an alarm clock. Frittata ensures that everyone stays on routine, getting us up every morning so we don’t miss {his} breakfast. Still, Frittata serenades us with the songs of his heart’s desires as often as he can muster – whether he desires treats or immediate attention towards a speck on the wall. You can find Frittata exploring, sleeping in some hidey place, and leaping into your lap for a spontaneous head bashing of affection.

Millie Schafer
Credentials: M.B.A in Entrepreneurial Napping
Position title: Caregiver: Adam
Millie is a working woman who keeps a tight schedule and is always camera ready. Millie is well known for showing up late to the party then falling asleep on the couch once everyone leaves (or before they leave). When she is hanging out, Millie is everybody’s best friend, smothering all around her with fur and affection. Millie is actually in part 2 of a three-step evolution: Phase 1: cat, Phase 2: small plop of pudding (current phase), Phase 3: purrfect circle.

Emil AKA "Don't eat that"
Credentials: Ph. D. Meowniversity of Naps, 2021
Position title: Caregiver: Tom
A wily child that doesn’t take no for an answer. When he’s not an amateur entomologist/five star chef, he can be found sampling the delicacies of the home such as: flooring, paint chips, and various expensive cords. Likely due to his diet of insects, Emil himself is a snuggle bug. While he’s not entirely sure that gravity is real, he won’t let it get in his way of giving you a good snuggle. Just be aware that you’ll be walking away a changed person…and covered in drool.