Group Updates
Another successful BCCE in the books!
We had a great time with our ChemLEAP Community of Practice at the 28th Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education! It was great being able to support y’all in sharing the amazing work you’re doing!
August 2, 2024Congratulations to the new Dr. Cara Schwarz!!!
Way to go Cara for rocking it in your defense and completing your doctoral degree! She is somewhat of a legend here for her outstanding performances as an award-winning TA, an instructor of record, a …
August 2, 2024Congrats to Prof. Ryan Stowe for being named a 2024 Morgridge Fellow!
Prof. Stowe is one of just fifteen faculty and campus members at the University of Wisconsin–Madison “selected through a juried process to participate in the year-long learning community designed to further institutionalize and support Community-Engaged …
July 2, 2024Congrats Annika, Emily, and Lewis on finishing undergrad!
Congrats to our wonderful undergraduate researchers for completing their degrees! Emily Adams (left), Ryan Stowe (center), Annika Kline (right) Lewis Suess (not pictured)
May 17, 2024Congratulations to the new Dr. Kimberly DeGlopper!!!
We are so proud to introduce the first doctoral graduate from the Stowe Group, Dr. Kimberly DeGlopper! Kimberly has accomplished so much as a researcher, community builder, and teacher during her time in the Stowe …
May 17, 2024- More News