Graduate Students and Research Associates
Cara Schwarz
Credentials: M.S. UW - Madison, 2017; B.S. UW - Madison, 2015
Position title: Instructional Specialist, Michigan State University
Kimberly DeGlopper
Credentials: Ph.D., chemistry education (2017-2024), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Position title: Instructor, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Megan Deshaye
Credentials: M.S., chemistry education, (2020-2021), University of Wisconsin - Madison
Position title: Process Development Engineer - MicroConnex
Tom Kuborn
Credentials: M.S., chemistry education (2020-2022), University of Wisconsin - Madison
Position title: Faculty Success Manager, Catalyst Education
Vanessa Rosa
Credentials: Research Associate (2020-2021), University of Wisconsin - Madison
Position title: Chief Executive Officer, Cuvette Collective
Adam Schafer
Credentials: Research Associate (2020-2023), University of Wisconsin - Madison
Position title: Assistant Professor of Science Education, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater